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"PRES" - Presentation Skills:
Oral Communication in General Education

The integration of both oral and written communication into general education is often referred to as Communication Across/In the Disciplines/Curriculum. A wide variety of acronyms capture this interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary endeavor, including: OCxC /OCAC, CxC/CAC, SAC, or CAD/CID, SAD, SALAD, WOVE, SAW... Public speaking, or presentation skills, in GE is called Oral Communication Across the Curriculum (OCxC).

PRES guide

If you are SUNY Cortland faculty interested in developing a PRES course or are teaching an existing course that you would like to designate as PRES, download this guideline and tips-sheet for putting your course proposal into Curriculog (includes links to OER resources).


Grading OCxC

Supporting PRES with Com Centers

Communication Centers gained a national presence around 2001 through the grassroots efforts of speech faculty who recognized the advantages of providing support to student speakers outside the classroom. They provide support and tutoring for students and faculty in oral communication across the curriculum programs and are developed according to the needs of each institution and their students. The benefits of peer, and faculty, tutoring through the Centers include opportunities to:

  • Systematically apply the communication competency construct  - ability and willingness to make the most of shared meaning- to undergraduates 

  • Expand and improve opportunities to deal with communication apprehension 

  • Allow for direct support to students with specific or special needs

  • Create active learning environments 

  • Increase the integration of technology 

  • Improve student and programmatic assessment 

  • Augment faculty support with consistency and training opportunities

What They Do

What They Need

How to Assess Them

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