"PRES" - Presentation Skills:
Oral Communication in General Education
The integration of both oral and written communication into general education is often referred to as Communication Across/In the Disciplines/Curriculum. A wide variety of acronyms capture this interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary endeavor, including: OCxC /OCAC, CxC/CAC, SAC, or CAD/CID, SAD, SALAD, WOVE, SAW... Public speaking, or presentation skills, in GE is called Oral Communication Across the Curriculum (OCxC).
If you are SUNY Cortland faculty interested in developing a PRES course or are teaching an existing course that you would like to designate as PRES, download the .docx guideline and tips-sheet for putting your course proposal into Curriculog (includes links to OER resources). And the SUNY Cortland SLOs and assessment form for GE10b/PRES/GECP is available online as a PDF here.
Speech Communication & General Education
"Debate Across the Curriculum: A Case Study" Comm Center J, 2019
"Deconstructing Egocentrism through Critical Thinking in the Communication Classroom" Comm Center J, 2019
"Making the Case for the Basic Communication Course in General Education" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2018
"Directing the Winds of Change: The Basic Course and General Education" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2013
"In-Class Debates: Fertile Ground for [the] Cultivation [of] Oral Comm Skills" Intn'l J Teaching & Learning in HE, 2007
"A Theoretical Framework of Situated Pedagogy & Practice for Comm across the Curriculum" Comm Ed, 2001
"Integrating Communication across the Curriculum" Comm Ed, 1993
Communication in STEM
"Bridging Science with Society: Defining Pathways for Engagement" Comm Center Journal, 2020
"Communicating Nanoscience & the Communication Center" Comm Center Journal, 2019
"Fostering the Art of Scientific Communication in the Center" Comm Center Journal, 2019
"Roles of Communication Centers in Communicating Science: A Multi-Disciplinary Forum" Comm Center J, 2019
"STEM Tell Research" Comm Center Journal, 2018
"Improving Professionalism in Engineering Curriculum thru a Novel Use of Oral Presentations" Euro J Engineering Ed, 2013
"Challenges in Learning Communication Skills in Chemical Engineering" Comm Ed, 2003
"Practicing Engineers Talk about [...] the Role of Oral Communication in the Workplace" Comm Ed, 2003
"Communication Across the Curriculum and in the Disciplines: Speaking in Engineering" Comm Ed, 2002
"Instruc'nl Modules for Teaching Written, Oral & Graphical Comm Skills to Engineering Students" Semantic Scholar, 2000
Communication in Arts
"Transmitting Musical Images: Using Music to Teach Public Speaking" Comm Teacher, 2010
Communication in Business
"Teaching Public Speaking to Business Students in the Digital Age" Intn'l J Ed and Dev Using Info & Com Tech, 2019
"Develop Oral Presentation Skills thru Accounting Curr. Design & Course-Embedded Assessment" J Edu for Business, 2009
"A Thematic Analysis of Oral Communication Concerns with Implications for Curriculum Design" J Accounting Ed, 2002
Communication in Health
"Medical Improvisation Improves Communication Skills among Healthcare Professionals" Comm Center J, 2021
"Public Health Research Project for 1st-Yr Pharma Students to Apply Content from Didactic Courses" Am J Pharm Ed, 2010
Communication in Social Science
"Communication Discipline & Peace Ed: A Valuable Intersection for Disrupting Violence [...]" J of Comm Pedagogy, 2022
"Speech and Debate as Civic Education" Comm Ed, 2016
"Oral Communication Across the Curriculum" J Instructional Psychology, 2011
"Speechmaking, Pedagogy, and Civic Responsibility" American Comm Journal, 2005
"Anthropology and Rhetoric: Toward a Culture‐Related Methodology of Speech Criticism" Southern Speech J, 1963
Grading Oral Comm across the Disciplines
"The Development and Test of the Public Speaking Competence Rubric" Comm Ed, 2012
"Components of Students’ Grade Expectations for Public Speaking Assignments" Comm Ed, 2012
"The Development of a Specialized Public Speaking Competency Scale: Test of Reliability" Comm Research Reports, 2002
Supporting PRES with Com Centers
Communication Centers gained a national presence around 2001 through the grassroots efforts of speech faculty who recognized the advantages of providing support to student speakers outside the classroom. They provide support and tutoring for students and faculty in oral communication across the curriculum programs and are developed according to the needs of each institution and their students. The benefits of peer, and faculty, tutoring through the Centers include opportunities to:
Systematically apply the communication competency construct - ability and willingness to make the most of shared meaning- to undergraduates
Expand and improve opportunities to deal with communication apprehension
Allow for direct support to students with specific or special needs
Create active learning environments
Increase the integration of technology
Improve student and programmatic assessment
Augment faculty support with consistency and training opportunities
What They Are
Student Perceptions of Value: A Qualitative Study of Student Experiences in the Communication Center, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2021.
Communication Centers at Colleges & Universities: Transitioning from a Course- to an Institutional-Resource. Communication Teacher, 2019
The Communication Center at U.S. Colleges and Universities: A Descriptive Overview II. Communication Education, 2017
The Communication Center at U.S. Colleges and Universities: A Descriptive Overview, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2014
Communication Laboratories: Genesis, Assessment, Challenges, Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 2000.
Assessment as Meta-Listening at the Communication Center, International Journal of Listening, 2006.
What They Do
The Impact of Communication Center Visits on Students’ Performance and Engagement, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2021.
Communication Centers as Uniquely Positioned Sites to Strategize "Belonging" Communication Center Journal, 2021
The Communication Center as a Resource for Professional Development. Communication Center Journal, 2020
The Centrality of the Center: Best Practices for Engaging Students on Campus, Communication Center Journal, 2020.
The Communication Center as a Resource for Professional Development, Communication Center Journal, 2020.
Communication Centers Spanning Campus and Communities, Communication Center Journal, 2019.
The Changing Communication Center – Collaboration through Student Engagement, Praxis, and Research, Communication Center Journal, 2018.
Communication Center Effectiveness: The Impact of Tutoring on Speech Performance, Communication Center Journal, 2017.
Speech Center Support Services, the Basic Course, and Oral Communication Assessment, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2012.
Assessing Communication Proficiency in Higher Education: Speaking Labs Offer Possibilities, International Journal of Listening, 2006.
Front and Center: Speaking, Listening, and Assessment in the Contexts of Communication Instruction, International Journal of Listening, 2006.
Speech Laboratories: An Exploratory Examination of Potential Pedagogical Effects on Studies, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2004.
Extending Learning Opportunities in the Basic Communication Course: Exploring the Pedagogical Benefits of Speech Laboratories, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2002.
The Pursuit of Speaking Proficiency: A Voluntary Approach. Communication Education, 2000
What They Need
Ethics, Technology, & Standard Practice in Communication Centers: Proposing a Continuing Education Credit Program based on Lessons Learned from Law, Business, & Healthcare/ Communication Center Journal, 2021.
Calling All Coaches: A Qualitative Approach to Understanding and Developing Communication Centers. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 2021
Recommendations for Communication Centers based on Student and Tutor Reflections: Insights about Students’ Reasons for Visiting, Session Outcomes, and Characteristics of the Tutoring Approach, Communication Center Journal, 2020.
Communication Consultant Proficiency: Benefits of Building Better Consultants, Communication Center Journal, 2020.
Social Media Ethos: Raising Awareness about Communication Center Programs and Outreach through the Use of Twitter, Communication Center Journal, 2019.
Expanding Professional Development Opportunities for Consultants: How to Incorporate Social Media into a Communication Center, Communication Center Journal, 2019.
Enrich Consultants and the Public, Communication Center Journal, 2019.
Making an Impression @UTampaSpeech: A Case Study Using Instagram at The University of Tampa’s Center for Public Speaking, Communication Center Journal, 2019.
Technology in the Consultation: Using Videos to Achieve Engaging Dialogue and Authentic Feedback, Communication Center Journal, 2018.
Preparing for Change: The Development of a Multiliteracy Communication Studio, Communication Center Journal, 2017.
Using a Mixed-Methodological Approach to Assess the Communication Lab: Gaining Insights & Making Improvements, Communication Center Journal, 2015.
Listening and New Approaches to the Creation of Communication Centers, International Journal of Listening, 2006.
Peer-to-Peer Tutoring: A Model for Utilizing Empathetic Listening to Build Client Relationships in the Communication Center, International Journal of Listening, 2006.
How to Assess Them
Strategies for Assessment in Communication Centers: Perspectives from Across the Field, Communication Center Journal, 2015.
Students & Com Centers
Campus Communication Centers Can Ease Students’ Public Speaking Anxiety, Communication Currents (NCA), July 7, 2021.
Making a Difference: A Quantitative Study of Communication Center & Basic Course Impact on Public Speaking Anxiety, Goal Orientation, & Motivation. Communication Education, 2021
Student Perceptions of Value: A Qualitative Study of Student Experiences in the Communication Center. Basic Communication Course Annual, 2021
I Need Help: Help Seeking Behaviors, Communication Anxiety and Communication Center Usage, Basic Communication Course Annual, 2012.
Oral Com in the Writing Center
Descriptive and Supportive Language: A New Heuristic for Training Speaking Center Consultants. Communication Centers Journal, 2020
Consultants in the Classroom: Pilot Study Assessing Multidisciplinary Center Collaboration. Communication Centers Journal, 2019
Empowering Public Speaking Students through Consultant Training in Empathetic Listening. Communication Centers Journal, 2019
Stronger Together: Nonsummativity and the Grand Valley State University Knowledge Market. Communication Center Journal, 2018.
Using LibGuides to Deliver Communication-based Resources: A Behind the Scenes Partnership between a Writing and Communication Center and a University Library. Communication Center Journal, 2018.
How Do Our Tools Connect to Our Practice? Investigating What Tools to Pick for a Multimodal Communication Center. Communication Centers Journal, 2017
Hamilton College Oral Communication Center - Spoken vs. Written Language (guide)
Examples of COM Centers

Assessment Resources
"Measuring Essential Learning Outcomes for Public Speaking" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2020
"Assessment of Student Learning Gains in Oral Competency" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2016
"Basic Course Strength through Clear Learning Outcomes & Assessment" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2016
"Improving the Basic Communication Course: Assessing the Core Components" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2011
"Analysis of Written Speech Feedback on Instructor Eval Forms in the Basic Com Course" Basic Comm Course Annual, 2009
"Assessing Communication Proficiency in Higher Education: Speaking Labs Offer Possibilities" International Journal of Listening, 2006,
"A Commentary: The Basic Communication Course, General Education & Assessment" Basic Comm Course Annual, 1997