Public Speaking/PRES Support
Pages first created 22 May 2020, redesigned summer 2022, and last updated 27 November 2024

The Communication & Media Studies Department expects that the many sections of COM210 are standardized. Toward this goal, while maintaining instructors' academic freedom and autonomy, all sections of COM210 should:
share core student learning outcomes (SLOs) -- instructors may add to these with section-specific outcomes
share a minimum of core assignments linked to these SLOs -- instructors may define the parameters & details of these assignments as desired
Peer & self critique is a GE requirement and must be included for the course's PRES designation; General Education expects to see it included, and defined, on syllabi
use a common grading rubric, premised on the SLOs, for all speeches
the rubric was developed from the National Communication Association's (NCA) Learning Outcomes in Communication, Speaking and Listening Competencies for College Students, and Competent Speaker Evaluation Form, in line with the SUNY Cortland requirements for General Education Category 10, and with regards to DEIJ using guidelines from the faculty resources of Contemporary Public Speaking.​
this rubric is the basis for the assessment form used during the Communication & Media Studies Department's program assessment cycle
share the same course-level grading scheme
share a common textbook
Contemporary Public Speaking - most recent edition (https://wwnorton.com/books/978132)
Instructors can request access to teaching supplements at this link.
click Request Access
click I'm an Instructor
click Create Norton Account
share some common syllabus content/statements as required by SUNY Cortland

​There is a cultural gap between Anglo-American and non-Anglo interpretations of public speaking. Standard public speaking curriculum does not embrace inclusiveness and diversity. Premised in Aristotelian rhetoric, traditional public speaking instruction preferences Western, White, masculine/patriarchal, abled traditions of communication. It directs students to apply traditional logical structures, to make direct eye contact, to stand and move, to extemporize, and to engage with academic standards of English language use. Such an orientation excludes narrative cultures, Eastern traditions, physical and emotional disabilities, and cultural linguistics. This sets up the public speaking classroom as a place of assimilation, at best, and exclusion, at worst, and thereby contributes to student anxiety, discomfort, and failure. Furthermore, neglecting cultural differences in communication practices does not adequately prepare students for globalized business or citizenship.
It is not enough to merely incorporate intercultural communication lessons into the public speaking classroom, because that runs the risk of turning non-American communication practices into exotic and racialized Others. A truly decolonized, anti-racist, inclusive, accessible curriculum embraces different organizational styles and a range of best delivery practices. Assessment can still consider aspects of clarity in organization and language use and adequacy of support and explanation but does so in relation to the diverse communication styles, limitations, and potential of the students.​

About Dr. Knopf
SUNY Cortland's
Presentations Skills Coordinator
Christina Knopf has consistently taught introductory public speaking - referred to as the "front porch" or "gateway" course to the communication discipline - since 2001, in addition to courses designated as speaking intensive/oral communication-in-the-disciplines. And she has held key roles in upholding the oral communication curricula at her institutions. In support of both activities, she regularly participates in professional development offerings designed for the speech teacher, and for the business professional, helping her to stay current in the field.
Professional Development Undertaken
Generative AI in Public Speaking. Norton Communication. 4 Dec. 2024.
Say It Well: An Evening with Obama Speechwriter Terry Szuplat. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. 18 Sep. 2024.
Ending the Semester with a BANG! KendallHunt Webinar. 24 Apr. 2024.
Getting Started with Resources for “Contemporary Public Speaking.” Norton webinar. 26 Mar. 2024.
Using AI in the Basic Communication Course: A Primer. ECA Short Course. 21 Mar. 2024.
Teaching Speechwriting to Undergraduates. ECA Short Course. 31 Mar. 2023.
DisPLACEing power & privilege in Public Speaking: Re-constructing the introductory course through critical pedagogical theory & praxis. NCA PreConference. 16 Nov. 2022.
Learning on Both Sides of GoReact: How Students' Feedback to Peers Improves Their Performance. ReAction 2022. 21 Apr. 2022.
Anxious Speakers in Class?, with Dr. Jason Teven. Macmillan Learning. 29 Mar. 2021.
Speaking for Change, with Dr. Joshua Gunn. Macmillan Learning. 26 Feb. 2021.
Build Engaging Presentations. Google Digital Garage. 5 Feb. 2021.
Communication Apprehension during Covid and Beyond, Suzy Prentiss. Preparing for Spring, Lessons from Fall: Pandemic Pedagogical Preparedness Workshops from Fountainhead Press. 2 Dec. 2020.
Creating Creative Online Learning Activities, Megan Pope. Preparing for Spring, Lessons from Fall: Pandemic Pedagogical Preparedness Workshops from Fountainhead Press. 2 Dec. 2020.
Zooming the Classroom: Overcoming the Uncanny Valley of Virtual Speech Instruction, John Arthos. Preparing for Spring, Lessons from Fall: Pandemic Pedagogical Preparedness Workshops from Fountainhead Press. 30 Nov. 2020.
Teaching in the Age of Zoom – Ideas You Can Use Now (Pandemic Public Speaking). Macmillan Learning. 16 Oct. 2020.
Visual Presentation (COMM103). MOOC through RITx and edX. 12 Aug. – 31 Aug. 2020.
Communicate Your Ideas through Storytelling and Design. OpenClassrooms, through Google Digital Garage. 14 Aug. 2020.
Speaking in Public. OpenClassrooms, through Google Digital Garage. 14 Aug. 2020.
Thriving, Not Just Surviving … Teaching Public Speaking Online! NCA Short Course. 14 Nov. 2019.
30 Minute Prep: Communication at Play in the Public Speaking Classroom. NCA Short Course. 8 Nov. 2018.
- Embracing the Transformational Opportunities of Public Speaking through a Semester-Long Practicum in Citizenship. NCA Short Course. 20 Nov. 2015.
Making Choices and Taking Responsibility in Public Speaking with Bill Keith and Chris Lundberg. Cengage Learning Engagement Services Webinar. 19 Oct. 2015.
Rethinking Slide Design: New Techniques for Improving Presentations. NCA Short Course. 21 Nov. 2014.
Effective Public Speaking Rubrics. NCA Short Course. 15 Nov. 2012.
Teaching Listening, Group Communication, and Informative Speaking in Basic Communication Courses. Pearson Higher Education’s Speaking About Communication online conference session. 20 Apr. 2011.
Finding Home in the Public Speaking Course. Pearson Higher Education’s Speaking About Communication online conference session. 20 Apr. 2011.
Making Communication Education Personality Compatible. Pearson Higher Education’s Speaking About Communication online conference session. 20 Apr. 2011.
Engage Students and Build Lasting Affinity for Communication Topics Using Storytelling and Online Media. Pearson Higher Education’s Speaking About Communication online conference session. 20 Apr. 2011.
Conquer Speech Anxiety: Design a Class, Module, Workshop or Program that Works. NCA Short Course. 14 Nov. 2010.
Teaching Public Speaking in an Evolving Communication Environment. NCA Short Course. 15 Nov. 2007.
Teaching the Public Speaking Course Online: Strategies, Tactics, and Realities. Wadsworth Public Speaking Online Lecture Series, Thomas Learning. 10 Mar. 2004.
Incorporating Service Learning into the Public Speaking Course. Wadsworth Public Speaking Online Lecture Series, Thomas Learning. 30 Oct. 2003.
Courses Taught
Communication & Media Studies Dept, SUNY Cortland: 2017-present
Fundamentals of Public Speaking, COM210: 30 sections through Spring 2025
Dept. of English & Communication, SUNY Potsdam: 2006-2017
Basic Principles of Speech, COMM106: 30 sections
- Basic Principles of Speech-Honors, COMM106H: 2 sections
Persuasive Speaking, COMM324: 1 section
Contemporary Political Communication, COMM370 [speaking intensive]: 9 sections
Voices of American Women, COMM416 [speaking intensive]: 4 sections
School of Arts & Sciences, Genesee Community College: 2005-2006
Public Speaking, SPE108: 2 sections
Communication & Media Arts, Monroe Community College: 2005-2006
Public Speaking, SPT142: 1 section
Communication Dept, UAlbany: 2000-2005
Speech Composition & Presentation, COM203: 6 sections
Oral Discourse & Civic Culture, COM399: 6 sections
Service Work
SUNY Cortland Presentation Skills Coordinator: Fall '17 – present
SUNY Cortland Presentation Skills Committee, chair: Fall '18 – present
SUNY Cortland PRES GE subcommittee, member: Fall '21 – Spring '22
SUNY Potsdam General Education Speaking Intensive/Writing Intensive Review Task Force, member: Fall '16
SUNY Potsdam General Education Committee, Resource Person-Oral Skills Coordinator: Fall '06–Spring '14, Fall '15 – Summer '17
SUNY Potsdam EOP Speech Contest, judge: Apr. '16
SUNY Potsdam Honors Colloquium Battle of the Disciplines, debate judge: Nov. '15
SUNY Canton's Scholarly Activity Celebration, presentation judge: Apr. 2010.
SUNY Potsdam Elsie D. Kristiansen Speech Contest adjudication committee, member: Spring '07 & Spring '08
Exploring online teaching and integrating digital resources into her classes since 2004, and taking numerous online courses herself in pursuit of professional development, Dr. Knopf is familiar with assorted techniques and technologies for online, hybrid, and hyflex education. She has taught synchronously and asynchronously at the lower-division and has designed several upper-division asynchronous courses.
Professional Development Undertaken
Preparing Professors for a More Digital World. Inside Higher Education. 14 Sep. 2022.
Instructional Design: Digital Media, New Tools & Technology (LDT300x). edX and University of Maryland Global Campus (USMx). 9 Feb– 6 Apr 2021.
Intro to Teaching Online with Zoom (Higher Education Edition). D.H. Goodall. 28 Nov. 2020.
You’re Online. Now What? Steps to Success in Your New Course Environment. The Empowered Educator Online Conference. 13 Oct. 2020.
Using Videos to Engage Your Students. Pearson Higher Ed. 12 Oct. 2020.
Presenting Effective Virtual Lectures. Pearson Higher Ed. 6 Oct. 2020.
The Four F’s of Distance Learning. Design & Delivery in a Blended Learning Jungle. Texthelp Virtual Conference. 19 Aug 2020.
How to Learn Online. MOOC through edX. 12 Aug-10 Sep. 2020.
Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement in Synchronous Instruction. Institute for College Teaching, SUNY Cortland. 10 Aug. 2020.
Facilitating and Maximizing Quality Interactions in Hybrid or Web Courses. Institute for College Teaching, SUNY Cortland. 31 Jul. 2020.
Online Teaching: Beyond “Making it Work.” Digital Learning Webinar Series, Pearson. 28 Jul. 2020.
Creating Connections Wherever ‘Class’ Is: A Roundtable Discussion. iClicker & Macmillan Learning. 20 Jul. 2020.
Discussion Protocols for Synchronous & Asynchronous Online Discussions. Institute for College Teaching, SUNY Cortland. 10 Jul. 2020.
Thriving, Not Just Surviving …Teaching Public Speaking Online! NCA Short Course. 14 Nov. 2019.
Pedagogy & Technology of Online Learning. Blackboard Course, SUNY Potsdam. Spring 2009.
Teaching the Public Speaking Course Online: Strategies, Tactics, & Realities. Wadsworth Public Speaking Online Lecture Series, Thomas Learning. 10 Mar. 2004
Advanced Quizzes in Brightspace. SUNY DLE Brightspace Illuminations. 30 Nov. 2022.
Advanced Assignments & Video Assignments in Brightspace. SUNY DLE Brightspace Illuminations. 30 Nov. 2022.
Gradable Activities in Brightspace. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 9 Jun. 2022.
Brightspace: Ignite. SUNY DLE Training Workshop. 23-26 May 2022.
Brightspace Communication Tools. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 18 May 2022.
Brightspace User Interface. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 16 May 2022.
Universal Design for Learning in Brightspace. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 11 May 2022.
Course Design Accessibility in Brightspace. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 6 May 2022.
Creating Content in Brightspace. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 5 May 2022.
The Brightspace Gradebook. SUNY DLE Scaled Webinar. 22 Apr 2022.
Creating Creative Online Learning Activities. Preparing for Spring, Lessons from Fall: Pandemic Pedagogical Preparedness Workshops from Fountainhead Press. 2 Dec. 2020.
Zooming the Classroom: Overcoming the Uncanny Valley of Virtual Speech Instruction. Preparing for Spring, Lessons from Fall: Pandemic Pedagogical Preparedness Workshops from Fountainhead Press. 30 Nov. 2020.
Teaching in the Age of Zoom – Ideas You Can Use Now. Macmillan Learning. 16 Oct. 2020.
Creating Choice Boards with Google Slides. SimpleK12. 23 Aug. 2020.
Starfish Learning Opportunities. Starfish Implementation Team. SUNY Cortland. 14 Aug. 2020.
Cisco Webex Demo. Design Help, SUNY Cortland. 29 Jul. 2020.
Blackboard & Webex: Synchronous Classes & Virtual Office Hours. Design Help, SUNY Cortland. 8 Jul. 2020.
Public Speaking PLUS, Inclusive Access, & Blackboard Integration. 24 Jun. 2020.
Creating Self-Checking Quizzes with Google Forms & Spreadsheets. SimpleK12. 20 Jun. 2020.
Packing & Preparing for the Move, Uploading & Unpacking After the Move, & Adding Moodle Resources: Blackboard to Moodle Transition. 13 Jul. 2011.
Speech Studio Seminar. Cengage Publishing. 1 Apr. 2011.
Platforms Used
some familiarity with
Online Courses Taught
COM210: Fundamentals of Public Speaking (SUNY Cortland, Spring '20, asynchronous; Fall '20-Spring'21, synchronous)
COM235: Introduction to Media Literacy (SUNY Cortland, Spring' 21, synchronous)
CIN210: Race & Gender Stereotypes (SUNY Cortland, Spring '20, asynchronous)
Online Courses Developed
IGS340: Professional Communication (SUNY Cortland, asynchronous)
Online Activism (SUNY Potsdam, asynchronous)
Service Activities
Online Teaching Group, SUNY Cortland: Summer '20-present
Brightspace pilot group, SUNY Cortland: Fall '22-Spring '23
Arts & Sciences Online Degree Working Group, SUNY Potsdam: Fall ‘10–Spring ‘11
Dr. Knopf continually seeks out ways, and strives, to improve her co-conspiratorship and allyship. She works to support and advance practices of inclusion, belonging, diversity, equity, and justice.
Professional Development
Inclusive Pedagogy
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion In Academic Advising: Challenges, Opportunities & Strategies. Innovative Educators, Go2Knowledge. 4 Feb. 2025: Zoom.
Building Bridges in the Fight Against Hate. Facing History. 24 Sep. 2024: Zoom.
Creating DEI&B Magic Through Real Intention. Cengage Events. 19 Apr. 2023: Zoom.
ADA Q&A: Accessibility Lawsuits & Comics Websites. CBLDF & Comics Pro special event. 13 Feb. 2023: Zoom.
Belonging & Inclusive Teaching Fundamentals Circle, Lumen & SUNY. 31 May-8 Jul. 2022.
Strategies for Creating Socially Just Assessments. Helping Your Students Demonstrate Learning: SUNY FACT2. 21 Apr. 2022: Zoom.
How to Safeguard both Free Speech and Diversity and Inclusion. The Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office, with the Institute for Civic Engagement and the Multicultural Life and Diversity Office, SUNY Cortland. 14 Apr. 2022: WebEx.
Challenge Accepted: Overcoming Bias, Prejudice, and Racism One Day at a Time. Sandwich Seminar, SUNY Cortland. 24 Feb. 2022: WebEx.
Getting Bi: Unpacking Biphobia and Reducing Disparities. SUNY SPECTRUM 2021. 1 Jul. 2021: Zoom/YouTube.
President’s Panel -Preventing & Responding to Violence Against LGBTQI+ Students. SUNY SPECTRUM 2021. 28 Jun. 2021: Zoom/YouTube.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum: What’s the Term?. Black Student Union, Campus Activities Office, Multicultural Life and Diversity Office, NAACP, and Residence Life and Housing Office. 22 Apr. 2021: SUNY Cortland.
How the Word is Passed. Gallery Conversation. 15 April 2021: SUNY Cortland.
21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge Reflection, Discussion & What Next? Sandwich Seminar. 7 April 2021: SUNY Cortland.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum: Supporting Women of Color. Black Student Union, Campus Activities Office, Multicultural Life and Diversity Office, NAACP, and Residence Life and Housing Office. 11 Mar. 2021: SUNY Cortland.
Quota System: (In)Justice in America. Sandwich Seminar. 25 February 2021: SUNY Cortland.
Hidden Figures: Underrepresented Black Pioneers and Leaders. Multicultural Life and Diversity Office. 22 February 2021: SUNY Cortland.
Black History Month in the Era of #BlackLivesMatter. Sandwich Seminar. 17 February 2021: SUNY Cortland.
Beloved Community Narratives Project Panel #1: Race & immigration, gender & sexuality, and mental health & disability. Institutional Equity & Inclusion Office. 15 Feb. 2021: SUNY Cortland.
Eastern Europe, Anti-Black Racism, and the Unfinished Project of Decolonization. Africana Studies Department and the Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office present Black History Month. 11 Feb. 2021: SUNY Cortland.
A Conversation about Implicit Bias. SUNY Center for Professional Development. 2 Feb. 2021: Zoom.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum: Importance of Voting and Managing Mental Health During the Election. Black Student Union, Campus Activities Office, Multicultural Life and Diversity Office, NAACP, and Residence Life and Housing Office. 15 Oct. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Understanding & Advocating for Racial Justice Workshop. Multicultural Life and Diversity Office. 25 Sep. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum: The Role of Greek Life in Anti-Racism Advocacy. Black Student Union, Campus Activities Office, Multicultural Life and Diversity Office, NAACP, and Residence Life and Housing Office. 16 Sep. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Anti-Racism Training. Diversity and Resiliency Institute of El Paso, a project of the Borderland Rainbow Center. 1 Aug. 2020-31 Aug. 2020.
Infusing LGBTQIA+ Awareness into Prevention. SUNY SPECTRUM Conference. 28 Aug. 2020: Zoom.
A Pandemic and Political Uprising: Creating Inclusive and Anti-Racist Online Classrooms for Now and Beyond. SUNY SPECTRUM Conference. 26 Aug. 2020: Zoom.
A Critical Conversation at the Intersection of BLM and LGBTQIA+. SUNY SPECTRUM Conference. 25 Aug. 2020: Zoom.
Opening Plenary: President’s Leadership Panel. SUNY SPECTRUM Conference. 25 Aug. 2020: Zoom.
The Importance of Antiracist Teaching. Empowering Educators: A Convening on Racial Equity in Education. AU Antiracist Research & Policy Center. 19 Aug. 2020: Zoom.
The Struggle Over Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. RSA Remote. 7 Aug. 2020: Zoom.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum: Action Planning. Black Student Union, NAACP, Multicultural Life & Diversity Office, and Campus Activities. 6 Aug. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Roots of Systemic Racism in American History and Today. Unwritten series from Pearson Higher Ed. 4 Aug. 2020: webinar.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum: Hate Speech v. Free Speech. Black Student Union, NAACP, Multicultural Life & Diversity Office, and Campus Activities. 9 Jul. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Black Lives & Liberation Forum. Black Student Union, NAACP, Multicultural Life & Diversity Office, and Campus Activities. 3 Jun. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Mental Health and Inclusivity. Multicultural Life & Diversity Office. 30 Apr. 2020: SUNY Cortland.
Re-Thinking Abilities Workshop. Multicultural Life. 22 Oct. 2018: SUNY Cortland.
Spring Book Chat: “The Tyranny of Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America.” 5 Apr. 2018: SUNY Cortland.
SafeZone Training. Multicultural Life. 8 Mar. 2018: SUNY Cortland.
Improving Intergroup Relations through Dialogue. Sandwich Seminar. Multicultural Life and Diversity Office. 14 Sep. 2017: SUNY Cortland.
Being the Change: Enacting an Inclusive Campus. DIAC Workshop. 7 Dec. 2016: SUNY Potsdam.
Trigger Warnings: A Pedagogical Debate within the Civic Calling of Communication. NCA conference roundtable. 11 Nov. 2016.
Calling on Justice: Creating an Intergroup Dialogue Program in a Communication Department. NCA Short Course. 10 Nov. 2016: Philadelphia, PA.
LGBTQ Safe Zone Training. The Safe Zone Project, through SUNY Potsdam’s Diversity & Inclusion Action Coalition. 15 Feb. 2016: Potsdam, NY.
Inclusive Communities
Assessment as a Tool for Inclusive Practices. Pearson Webinars. 28 Mar. 2023: online.
Book Club/Discussion Group: How the Word is Passed. SUNY Cortland. Fall ‘21-Spring ‘22: MS Teams.
Public Deliberation: Solving Divisive Issues Together. Community Roundtable Series, SUNY Cortland. 1 Apr. 2021: WebEx.
Experiments in Deliberation Among Higher Education Institutions. Kettering Foundation Research Exchange. 19 Nov. 2020: online.
Vote Woke: Empower Students to Vote with Books and Community Support. School Library Journal Summit. 24 Oct. 2020: online.
Book Chat: How to Be an Antiracist. Faculty Development Center, SUNY Cortland. 22 Oct. 2020:WebEx.
A Community Conversation with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Friends of the Central Library, Syracuse University Office of Diversity & Inclusion, Hendricks Chapel, & The Lender Center for Social Justice. 21 Oct. 2020: Webinar.
Coping with Stress in Uncertain Times (for Educators). Pearson Higher Ed. 5 Oct. 2020: Webinar.
Advocating for Our Lives: Faculty & Staff Edition. SUNY Cortland. 22 Jun. 2020: WebEx.​
Service Activities
Co-chair - Diversity Faculty Fellows Mentorship Subcommittee, SUNY Cortland: 2023-2025
Antiracism Taskforce, SUNY Cortland: 2020-2024
SOGIE, SUNY Cortland: 2021-2022
Diversity & Inclusion Action Coalition, SUNY Potsdam: 2016-2017
Courses Taught
Communication & Media Studies Dept, SUNY Cortland: 2017-present
Race & Gender Stereotypes, CIN210 [diversity]
Dept. of English & Communication, SUNY Potsdam: 2006-2017
Contemporary Political Communication, COMM370 [WGS]
Politics of Poltergeists, COMM390 [WGS, diverse voices]
COMM-ics Research, COMM390 [WGS, diverse voices]
Rhetoric of Social Movements, COMM415 [WGS, Africana Studies, diverse voices]
Voices of American Women, COMM416 [WGS, diverse voices]
Wo/Men & Elections, COMM417 [WGS]​